Adding Flip.to to your iHotelier booking engine is done in just two steps.
Before you begin
If you ask your Amadeus point person to grant Engine Container access to integrations@flip.to, our Customer Success team will take care of configuring iHotelier for you.
If you'd like to take care of the configuration below, you'll just need your Flip.to companyCode, which you should have received by email. If not, ask our Customer Success team.
Step 1: Add the Flip.to booking engine tag
Click into Tags -> New to create a new tag
Set the Tag Name to Flip.to booking engine
Set the Tag Configuration as Custom HTML
Copy and paste the snippet below into HTML field
Replace XX with your Flip.to companyCode (be sure to keep the single quotes)
Set the Tag Firing Option to Once per page
Set the Firing Triggers to Page View Event (fires on the engine's "content-view" event, after iHotelier configuration is available)
After that's configured, it should look something like:
Step 2: Add the Flip.to confirmation tag
Click into Tags -> New to create a new tag
Set the Tag Name to Flip.to confirmation
Set the Tag Configuration as Custom HTML
Copy and paste the snippet below into HTML field
Replace XX with your Flip.to companyCode (be sure to keep the single quotes)
Set the Tag Firing Option to Once per page
Set the Firing Triggers to Confirmation Page View Event (fires on the engine's "content-view" event, only on the /confirmation page, after iHotelier configuration is available)
After that's configured, it should look something like:
Last updated