
Adding Flip.to to your iHotelier booking engine is done in just two steps.

Before you begin

  • If you ask your Amadeus point person to grant Engine Container access to integrations@flip.to, our Customer Success team will take care of configuring iHotelier for you.

  • If you'd like to take care of the configuration below, you'll just need your Flip.to companyCode, which you should have received by email. If not, ask our Customer Success team.

Step 1: Add the Flip.to booking engine tag

  • Click into Tags -> New to create a new tag

  • Set the Tag Name to Flip.to booking engine

  • Set the Tag Configuration as Custom HTML

  • Copy and paste the snippet below into HTML field

  • Replace XX with your Flip.to companyCode (be sure to keep the single quotes)

  • Set the Tag Firing Option to Once per page

  • Set the Firing Triggers to Page View Event (fires on the engine's "content-view" event, after iHotelier configuration is available)

<!-- Flip.to - Booking Engine Integration -->
bookingEngine: 'iHotelier',
code: '{{ihHotelID}}',
companyCode: 'XX'
<script async src='https://integration.flip.to/K2X4KDP'></script>
<!-- Flip.to - End Booking Engine Integration -->
  • After that's configured, it should look something like:

Step 2: Add the Flip.to confirmation tag

  • Click into Tags -> New to create a new tag

  • Set the Tag Name to Flip.to confirmation

  • Set the Tag Configuration as Custom HTML

  • Copy and paste the snippet below into HTML field

  • Replace XX with your Flip.to companyCode (be sure to keep the single quotes)

  • Set the Tag Firing Option to Once per page

  • Set the Firing Triggers to Confirmation Page View Event (fires on the engine's "content-view" event, only on the /confirmation page, after iHotelier configuration is available)

<!-- Flip.to - Confirmation Page -->
bookingEngine: 'iHotelier',
code: '{{ihHotelID}}',
companyCode: 'XX'
<!-- Flip.to - End Confirmation Page -->
  • After that's configured, it should look something like:

Last updated