
Adding to your RezTrip booking engine is done in just two steps.

Before you begin: you'll need your companyCode, which you should have received by email. If not, ask our Customer Success team.

Step 1: Booking engine snippet

This is the first of two snippets to add to your RezTrip booking engine.

  • Copy and paste the snippet below into <head> tag of the booking engine

  • Replace XX with your companyCode (be sure to keep the single quotes)

  • Replace YY with your RezTrip property code (be sure to keep the single quotes)

<!-- - Booking Engine Integration -->
bookingEngine: 'RezTrip',
companyCode: 'XX',
code: 'YY'
<script async src=''></script>
<!-- - End Booking Engine Integration -->

Step 2: Confirmation page snippet

This snippet should be added only to your RezTrip confirmation page.

Please note, the confirmation page will include both the booking engine snippet and the confirmation page snippet, and the order is unimportant.

  • Copy and paste the snippet below into <head> tag of the confirmation page

  • Replace XX with your companyCode (be sure to keep the single quotes)

  • Replace YY with your RezTrip property code (be sure to keep the single quotes)

<!-- - Confirmation Page -->
var guestDetails = document.querySelectorAll('[headers=summary_reservation_guest_details]');
var fullNameAndEmail = guestDetails[0].innerText.split("\n");
bookingEngine: 'RezTrip',
companyCode: 'XX',
code: 'YY',
confirmation: quoteList[0].confcode,
first: fullNameAndEmail[0].trim().split(" ")[0],
last: fullNameAndEmail[0].trim().split(" ")[1],
email: fullNameAndEmail[1].trim(),
startDate: quoteList[0].sd,
endDate: quoteList[0].ed,
type: quoteList[0]['rt'],
rateCode: quoteList[0]['rc'],
language: 'en',
currency: quoteList[0].cc,
amount: rtTOTALCOST,
addonAmount: rtADDONVALUE_0
<!-- - End Confirmation Page -->

Last updated