Feature previews
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See a preview of Flip.to right on your website.
When a new feature is set up for your platform, your Customer Success Manager will provide a link to preview it in just a few clicks.
Share this link with other members of your team, dial in any changes and approve for launch. (And don’t worry—nothing goes live until we flip the switch.)
Plus, preview other features from Flip.to that you might want to supercharge your impact.
Ready to switch on something new? Get in touch your Customer Success Manager to start setting it up.
To see all features available for preview, visit your website with the ?flipto-preview parameter added to your URL. For example:
Or, to go to a specific feature, add the feature ID to the flipto-preview parameter. For example:
Preview the Discovery flow if it isn't already turned on for your platform.
Headcount adds extra steps to Discovery learn more about who's traveling.
Flight path adds extra steps to Discovery for planners to provide airport-related details.
Experiences displays upcoming experiences alongside the Discovery calendar, to better inspire planners considering your property.
Special codes adds support for promo, group, and other special codes in Discovery.
If the settings for a feature aren't fully configured, you might see placeholders for text, images, or other data. Placeholders are only visible to you during preview.