Flip.to can be configured to export data daily via SFTP, which you can use to import the data to your CRM on an automated schedule.
To get started, reach out to our Customer Success team and have the following details ready:
SFTP server address
Port number
User credentials
Preference for target folder, otherwise data will be placed in an "Import" folder
Advocacy Data
Advocacy data will be provided in a CSV file, named using the following format:
for instance, 2024-03-28T10-00-18__advocacy.csv.
Advocacy data is available 30 days after the user shared their contact information. This window is reserved for the platform to complete the remainder of the user journey.
All data is screened to ensure a clean list—users who unsubscribed, whose emails have bounced or who are covered by privacy regulations (GDPR, CCPA, etc.) will be excluded.
Example of Advocacy data
Discovery Data
The Discovery data will be exported as a CSV, named using the following format:
, for instance 2024-03-28T10-00-58__discovery.csv.
Discovery data is available 10 days after the user shared their contact information. This window is reserved for the platform to complete the remainder of the user journey.
All data is screened to ensure a clean list—users who unsubscribed, whose emails have bounced or who are covered by GDPR will be excluded.
Example of Discovery data
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